breathwork for healing

non-verbal emotional & energetic processing & release

You’re done talking it all out...

Or perhaps not ready to start.

You’re looking for the next breakthrough but it feels like everything is a mess.

Breathwork can be the therapy for you to get you unstuck from your current state of being.

This style of Breathwork is called Conscious Connected Breathing or Circular Breathing and is a rapid style of breathing that works with the nervous system and your various levels of consciousness to literally and figuratively shake you up. We loosen out all those old stuck emotions and stagnant energies keeping you held back in an exhilarating release.

Breathwork has been found to bring about higher levels of self awareness, positive changes to temperament, emotional catharsis and all of the benefits of spiritual exploration. Breathwork is often compared to psychedelic therapies, with all the benefits and little to no risk.

Since the advent of psychotherapy we’ve believed that we need to talk all our feelings out ad nauseam. While there is some catharsis involved in bringing emotions into the open, we also can and need to process them on a physical and spiritual level. Speaking brings awareness, other modalities such as Breathwork bring total release. Piece by piece you can let go of the past and take charge of your own healing.

Benefits of Breathwork

Some of the many benefits of Breathwork include:

  1. Release toxins from the mind and body

  2. Release trauma and fear

  3. Relieve anxiety and depression

  4. Increase self-love, self-esteem and self-confidence

  5. Massively release stress and allow full relaxation

  6. Increase energy and boost your immune system

  7. Strengthen your lungs and respiratory system

  8. Aid and re-energize the digestive system

  9. Eliminate chronic pain

  10. Improve sleep at the end of the day

  11. Explore altered states of consciousness in a safe and conscious way

  12. Clear your mind for meditation and spiritual contemplation

Ooooh, do I get to relax?

This is NOT a rest and restore experience. This type of BreathWORK is very different from breathing meditations for relaxation. Your breath is a rapid and powerful transformer of your mood and consciousness. Breathwork can activate or deactivate both your sympathetic nervous system (stress response) and/or your parasympathetic nervous system (relax and regulatory response). If you’ve ever listened to a guided Breathwork meditation for sleep or anti-anxiety it is typically a slowed down breathing style to bring calm into the body and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This provides relief but doesn’t actually get to the root cause.

When we activate the sympathetic nervous system through the rapid style of conscious connected breathing, we start to process and release the underlying causes of what is holding you back. This altered state of being starts to loosen up all those stuck emotions to be released at all levels of body, mind and soul. All without saying a word. You may feel like discussing afterwards or not. I do recommend to journal following a session to help solidify and celebrate your breakthroughs.

This style puts the Work in Breathwork. Prepare to do ‘The Work’ to release whatever is stuck. It gets intense for a while but as my Breathwork Teacher Jon Paul Crimi told me ‘you’ve done harder things in your life than lie on a yoga mat and breathe’ - Right?

As with all therapies, there are some contraindications for this style of Breathwork.

Contraindications for breathwork

Cardiovascular Problems

High or Abnormal Blood Pressure

History of Aneurisms

Epilepsy or History of Seizures



Recent Surgery


Severe Psychiatric Symptoms*

Bipolar Depression*

People on Heavy Medications*

People in Active Addiction*


*Speak with me about any existing mental health conditions. I am committed to helping you personally or directing you to an appropriate support. Anyone with a psychological diagnosis should be under the ongoing support of a mental health professional to help integrate any breakthroughs during their Breathwork session. This therapy is a form of intervention and should not be viewed as a program of support.


Hear from those who’ve tried it…

"Wow! This is not at all what I expected from yesterday's breathwork class, it is so much more than that!!! I released old trauma that I thought was gone but obviously not. If you're looking to transform your life and heal old wounds without years of talk therapy - you must experience one of Moyra Michelle's breathwork sessions. You will blown away by how life changing it is"

~ Liza S

"Lately I've been searching for a breathwork experience to help me feel good and open my heart to new experiences. Moyra Michelle guided me and our group to open the belly, open the heart and breath through the mouth. While the technique may sound simple, the practice of it invited me to a higher release and to peace. Thank you Moyra, I am excited to do this again with you and go even deeper"

~ Rita A


How it Works

If it is your first time, set up a brief Consultation with Moyra Michelle to find out whether you would be a suitable candidate for Breathwork.

A session typically lasts around 75 minutes, please allow 90 minutes for your first session. Breathwork sessions can experienced in-person in the Cleveland, Ohio area or online via Zoom. Both are absolutely effective and based on your location and preference.

Instructions in advance of your Breathwork session;

  • Arrive hydrated, rested and fresh.

  • Wear something loose and easy to breathe in.

  • Do not eat a heavy meal for at least 5 hours in advance.

  • Snacking in advance is ok and you may want to bring a snack to eat afterwards.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and non-prescription drugs for 24 hours in advance.

  • It's ok to feel anxious or apprehensive in advance. Change is scary, even when it is for the better. Push through all that inner dialogue to show up at your session.

Set your intention prior to the session for the area in life you feel stuck in or where you’re seeking a breakthrough.


Do I need a private or group session?

Generally group session is suitable for everyone and I believe it’s actually the best way to experience it. However, some reasons why you may prefer a private session:

  • Preference for privacy

  • Severe PTSD with intense physiological responses

  • Not financially restricted

  • Want feedback on breathing technique



Private Session - $350

Couples Session - $450

Group Workshop - varies around ~$40

Private Group Events - varies

*If you are a non-profit or support group we can work on special pricing to ensure it is affordable for your members


"I had no idea what to expect when Moyra invited me to her breathwork class, but I definitely didn't expect to have that big of a release. Stuck energy releases itself in your physical body and you get to move it up and out. She did a beautiful job facilitating this transformational experience, guiding me through and making me feel safe. There's no great way to explain it, you must experience it for yourself and you WILL feel lighter and freer."

~ Krissy A

"I worked through layers of thoughts and sensations in my body. The breath technique helped me to be with the waves of experience. I felt afraid, grateful, nervous and safe... I felt I knew it was all ok .Truly a beautiful release - So Grateful"

~ Lynette R


Breathwork FAQs


Is this a relaxing experience?

During the breathing portion of a session it is anything but relaxing. You will feel stress and intensity in your body but it was have a slightly euphoric feel, some may describe it as orgasmic or similar to psychedelic experiencing. Following the breathing portion you will feel a release that is relaxing, restful and sometimes described as blissful.

What does it physically feel like?

The body starts to feel tingly. You may notice changes to your body temperature which could be hot or cold so it is good to have a blanket and dress in layers. You may experience temporary cramping in the hands or limbs called tetany which quickly goes away once your breathing pattern is regulated. You may feel light and floaty or very grounded. Bottom line, expect some physical changes, anything goes and you’ll be fine after.

What can I expect emotionally?

This is your time to allow all the emotions that have been stuck inside to flow freely. This may be much needed cathartic tears, it may feel like a journey through your past where things suddenly start to realign. You may not even know what you’re processing as it could be ancestral or from a past life. You don’t even have to know, all you have to do is show up and breathe.

How will I feel after the session?

You will generally feel great, although you may feel a little ungrounded or spacey as you return to your day. Eating something, moving the body or doing a technical task can help you get back into your body and mind. I suggest blocking off some time for yourself to soak in your breakthroughs and savoring your bliss before returning to the demands of day-to-day life.

Will I be a hot mess after a session?

That depends on whether you were a hot mess before the session! I do recommend that if you are processing significant trauma that you always have the support of a trauma-informed professional. This work can speed up your ability to work through the process so having someone ready and able to help will be useful. Hypnotherapy can be very supportive at this point too.

Is this like Holotropic Breathwork or Rebirthing?

You’re on the right track but these are two very specific and trademarked modalities. The outcomes and experiences can be similar. Breathwork is an ancient technology that people claim to have invented every couple of decades to make money and feel important. Breathwork is simple and you’ll see that after your session and be able to do it at home pretty much immediately. The biggest difference is that Conscious Connected Breathwork is much more led by the participant than the instructor.

What healing can I expect?

As this is a self-healing modality where I am your facilitator, your healing will be at a pace that is right for you. Each session you’ll release a little or a lot. Your body is highly intelligent and will release as much as you can handle. You’ll be able to do this at home by yourself and direct your own healing once you get the hang of it.

How could it work without speaking?

Our body holds trauma in different ways; emotionally, mentally, physically and emotionally. This type of therapy loosens the trauma on these many different levels of consciousness which don’t have to be verbalized. It is very experiential. Even after a class you’ll find it hard to describe to others what you went through. You just have to give it a go to understand. If you are a big verbal processor this can work alongside hypnotherapy or other talk therapies very well.

But it sounds too simple to work…

You’ll understand when you’re 20 minutes in and the emotions start coming up. The hardest part is to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Pretty much all of life’s problems come from the fear of our emotions and being vulnerable. Unfortunately we live in a society where vulnerable means being weak and so we have learned to suppress our emotions. Truly, if being emotionally vulnerable were a sign of weakness, wouldn’t it be easy? Being vulnerable is an achievement of the highest order. That’s the hardest thing about this process.

I have PTSD, is breathwork for me?

Please refer to the guidance of your mental health professional if you are concerned. It has been my observation that this type of therapy is highly suitable for people to process past traumas that are too triggering to speak about. This can be the first step in healing or it could be the continued tool to get you fully back to strong mental health. Know that you can fully and completely heal from all trauma. This session provides a safe and controlled environment for you to become whole again.

What do I need to do to prepare for a session?

Avoid heavy meals as too much food in the belly can make breathing tighter. Come with loose fitting clothes that are easy to lie down and breathe in. Put your hair in a style that is easy to lie down in. Plan some personal time walking, journaling or reading before getting back in your car as you can be a little spaced out and driving immediately is not recommended.

Why does this scare me a little?

Because all change and transformation is scary. Everything you want is beyond your comfort zone. It’s ok to be afraid and do it anyway.