Rapid Transformational Therapy

Harness the power of your subconscious mind

Speak to your soul

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Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) is an innovative hypno-therapeutic approach which has been proven to permanently cure and transform its people of a variety of emotional and physical ailments in 1-3 hypnosis sessions.  RTT is a complete solution-based treatment bringing together the most beneficial principles from neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Behavioral Therapy, Positive Psychology, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.

RTT embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression, positive psychology and repetition.  Clients access information in their subconscious which unconsciously manifests in physical and emotional symptoms. 

RTT gets to the fundamental cause of your issue to pull it out by the root and heal it from its origin.  This therapy technique effectively removes, reframes and reprograms your mind to understand what has been holding you back and release you from your past. 

Traditional talk-therapy focuses on symptoms rather than cause and often takes years of discussion of current feelings.  Life is too short for ‘fixes’ that don’t work and crutches that don’t tackle the real underlying issues.  RTT is reinventing therapy, empowering clients to free themselves from their fears, past hurt and pain to build the life they know they deserve. The change is immediate permanent and powerful as the weight of the past is released and the potential of your future expands.

This multi-award winning therapy is the future of peak performance and healing of mind and body. You will be blown away by its effectiveness and the power of unleashing your own brilliant mind.

areas of healing include


Unconditional Self Love & High Self Esteem

Anxiety & Depression

Release Weight & Food Issues

Beat Addiction


End Procrastination & Achieve Goals

Remove Business & Career Blocks

Remove Money & Abundance Blocks

Sleep Better & Wake Easier

Self Discovery

Find Meaning & Purpose

Find Love & Improve Relationships

Resolve Health Issues

Resolve Childhood Trauma


Create New Habits Quickly and Permanently

Rapid Transformational Therapy works with both the conscious and unconscious mind to rid the mind of old unhelpful habits and create new useful and desirable habits. We can re-code and re-pattern old ways of thinking, feeling and doing in order to have you able to go out and do what you want to do and achieve what you want to achieve in your life. You no longer need to be held by back your past.


How it Works

Set up a 30 minute Consultation with Moyra Michelle to find out whether you would be a suitable candidate for Rapid Transformational Therapy.

A session typically lasts around 3 hours and can be experienced in-person in the Cleveland, Ohio area or online via teleconferencing (Zoom). Both are absolutely effective and based on your location and preference.

During the session you will be regressed within a hypnotic state into the part of your subconscious which is causing your problem and its resulting pain and frustration. Once we uncover the source of the issue, we can understand why it is there and what purpose it is serving. Then with this knowledge and understanding we can remove its power because understanding is freedom. The issue with be addressed during the session and rapidly transformed. For the following 21 days you will have a personal recording to re-code your brain with unstoppable conviction and unlimited potential - just as nature intended. I actually recommend listening for 60 days which I will explain more when we speak.

With this freedom you no longer need to be defined by your past and get to build a new future with beliefs, habit and actions that serve you and bring you the happiness, contentedness and success that you deserve.