Overcome Fear and Step Into Your Power with Hypnotherapy & Breathwork


If you’re reading this, chances are you know the impact fear can have on every aspect of your life. But you also probably know that fear doesn’t always show up in obvious ways. 


Something that not many people recognize is that it’s actually possible to fear the positive changes you want to make in your life too. For example, many of my clients are high performers both in their careers and their personal lives. Although the anxiety they feel can be limiting, it can also help them perform better because stress is a natural motivator. So as they start to think about shifting those behaviors, there’s an unconscious fear that if the anxiety leaves so will their success. They fear that without the stress and anxiety they’ll crumple up into a big useless ball and not be able to do anything. 


What I’ve found is that the opposite is actually closer to the truth - once you start shifting this fear, you have a deeper capacity to do the work that lights you up. Your performance increases because you’re not fighting your body all of the time…and you find a deeper sense of joy from the work you’re doing as well.  It’s like we’re moving you from an old fossil fuel that is slowly killing you, to a totally renewable source that is great for you and everyone around you. 


But I can hear you over there muttering that doing the work of making this shift and moving beyond your plateaus is not easy. 


So here are three things that can help you overcome your fear

so you can step into your power: 


  1. Practice self-awareness to identify your inner hurt, pain, and fear. 


I truly believe that self-awareness is the most powerful tool you have to experience inner growth. When you find you’re paralyzed in fear, the first step is actually understanding what that looks like for you. Personally, I tend to distract myself from what I know I need to do. I’ll procrastinate or get frozen in worry when I’m feeling fearful, other people spring into more action that is useful. 


When you understand your negative patterns, it’s much easier to interrupt them so you can move through the situation. 


Accomplishing this requires facing your shadow.  Shadow work is about embracing your darkest parts of yourself to fully understand and acknowledge all of you. After all, light cannot exist without darkness. When we understand all the parts of ourselves (and learn to embrace them), the stress and anxiety will naturally shift. This takes a lot of self-awareness but can lead to remarkable changes in our lives.  If you’re an anti-toxic-positivity warrior, shadow work is right up your alley. 


2. Pay attention to where fear is showing up in your body.


Too often, I see people trying to shift their fear through self-care that really doesn’t address the root cause of the stress and anxiety. While it’s nice to go out with our girlfriends, take a bubble bath or get a pedicure, that doesn’t come close to identifying WHY you’re feeling the need to escape in the first place. 


Even if you’re not conscious of how your fear is showing up in your life, your body is always aware. When we’re chronically stressed and anxious, we change the way we breathe which changes how we hold our bodies. All those aches and pains aren’t just a coincidence with your stress, they’re there because of it. 


Fear physically sends our bodies, or more specifically our nervous systems into “fight or flight” mode.  Here you may notice your breath moving towards rapid shallow breathing from your upper chest and even holding your breath.  Because breathing is automatic, we often don’t realize we’re doing this. We go for long periods of time living with this trauma and stress and poor breathing patterns which wreak havoc on our bodies and our mental health



3. Use your breath and consciousness to shift your fear for good. 


Being intentional with breath helps you to move through this in the moment.  Getting to the root cause with shadow work, whether through hypnotherapy, breathwork, coaching or quiet journaling can help to remove the blocks more permanently.  Moving with love, curiosity and self-compassion will help bring freedom from the fear and allow you to   


This is powerful work because often our fears are rooted in trauma that we may not even be conscious of. When we can experience a connection between our mind, body, heart and soul using our breath and consciousness we can move through our personal plateaus with ease.


With hypnotherapy we can see the ‘blind spots’ of our subconscious mind that holds the roots to the fear, trapped emotions, limiting beliefs and unprocessed trauma.  With therapeutic breathwork we go deep into the body to root out old unprocessed emotions and release them from the body.  With restorative breathing you relearn to breath properly. Your nervous system gets regulated, your breathing returns to normal, and you’re able to access all of your power and inner resources in new and powerful ways.


Want to learn more about how to use breathwork and hypnotherapy to shift your fear so you can live the life you were meant to live? Schedule a free consultation today. 

Michelle Nguyen