Four Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help You Be More Productive


When I start talking to people about hypnotherapy, I can easily to get frustrated (and sometimes amused!) by all of the misconceptions they have. After all, if you look at popular examples of hypnosis you’ll see people quacking like ducks or therapists who have complete control over their client’s minds. I feel like every movie that features hypnosis sets the discipline back a decade.  Why are they always so evil and bad??  None of these reflect reality. The results can be dramatic but the sessions really are not. 


What is true is that hypnotherapy can be a powerful way to focus your mind to help understand your habits, feelings and emotions in a more conscious way.  During a session, you are lucid and aware and are in fully aware of your surroundings.  This isn’t like an acid trip or a gym membership.  You’re in control and can stop and slow down and get out at any time if you need to.  You’re in full control.  What is different in this hypnotic trance state, is that you’re in touch with a deeper part of yourself in a way that makes it possible to access your deepest fears, beliefs and desires.  It’s very similar to being in a flow state. 


One of the main ways that I use hypnotherapy with my clients is to help them shift the old feelings and baggage that is keeping them feeling stuck. Too often, this “stuckness” shows up in their lives in the form of restlessness, procrastination, aimlessness or a loss of their ability to get things done. 


Here are four ways that hypnotherapy

& Breathwork can help you be more productive: 


1. It brings you back to equilibrium


It’s almost impossible to achieve your goals when you feel panicked all the time. When you’re in this constant state of anxiety, your mind will struggle to stay on task. When someone has a burst appendix you don’t get angry with them because they didn’t get their work done, yet with mental health we are made to feel shame and guilt because we are not performing like an Olympian.  It is cruel and unfair.  In order to produce, you need to be well. 


Hypnotherapy and breathwork combined can help your body, mind and nervous system to return to a calm state without the unhelpful stress that keeps us from our goals. 



2. It’s helps stop procrastination


Procrastinating is something that happens the best of us and is pretty normal to do once in a while.  But when we are continually doing it and shooting ourselves in the foot in the process, something needs to change.   The solution to moving forward isn’t a new planner or a different way of writing your to-do list. It’s about dealing with the core issue that’s keeping you blocked.


Procrastination is typically always about fear, whether that is fear of failure, or just as common, fear of success.  In hypnosis we can access that deep fear so that you can understand where it came from, how long its been there and whether it’s serving you.  Believe it or not, it typically thinks its helping you!  Once we uncover these old beliefs you can release those limiting thoughts and behavior patterns and free yourself up again to do all the things you want to. 


3. It can help you sleep better. 


Too many of us find ourselves staring at the ceiling at 2am worrying about what we need to do tomorrow even though our bodies are absolutely exhausted. Research has shown that the amount of sleep you get each night (and the quality of your sleep) can help improve your concentration and cognitive function. 


In other words, your sleepless nights are impacting your productivity in significant ways. 


When you’re able to work through your anxieties during a hypnotherapy session, you help your nervous system to regulate itself so you’re not struggling to sleep. It seems like such as simple solution, but it can have a huge impact on your ability to keep your mind sharp throughout the day. 


4. It changes behavioral patterns


When you’re feeling stuck, it’s like you’re living in the movie Groundhog Day. You’re doing the same things (and making the same mistakes) over and over again just hoping that you’ll eventually get a different result. It makes it hard to be productive because you’re struggling to find the motivation you need to change and feeling defeated by constant feelings of failure. 


Hypnotherapy helps you dive into the subconscious reasons you’re struggling to be productive. You’re able to get to the root of the issue and heal it from its origin so it doesn’t keep popping up in your life in different ways. You’re able to reframe and reprogram your behavior so you can be released from your past. And ultimately, this is the key to reshaping your ability to get things done. 


I hope this list has helped you.  We also have to remember that we are not robots designed to be productive 24/7.  Our worth as individuals comes down to much more than that.  Speaking of robots, there are trillions of dollars worth of AI algorithms as we speak designed to steal your attention from what you want and place it onto somewhere that pays them for that.  Our focus is being stolen which I highly recommend you read all about in the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. So make sure to give yourself a break when you need to and let your productivity shine through from a fresher rested place. 

Want to learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you unlock your productivity? Schedule a free consultation.

Michelle Nguyen